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Executive Support Systems

24 Mar

Hi all,
Today i will be talking about Executive Support Systems and how they assist in businesses decision making.
Executive Support Systems like other Information systems turns raw data into useful information, in this case it is used by high level management in areas such as billing and staffing. 
In terms of helping a business ESS turns data into easy to read graphs such as pie charts or histograms. this allows executives to easily take in information and make faster and more informed decisions based on the visual information.

Along with its basic functions stated above ESS also analyzes data and forecasts possible outcomes. While it is impossible to gauge exact outcomes ESS allows for a rough idea of possibilities using statistics and therefore creates better and faster decision making.

Below is a visual of how ESS actually works.

Thank you for reading this.



Decision Support Systems.

23 Feb

Today i will be discussing decision support systems, what they are, their uses and the different categories of DDS.
DDS is similar to MIS in that it supports decision making within the firm. DDS is defined according to as an “interactive computer-based systems and subsystems intended to help decision makers use communications technologies, data, documents, knowledge and/or models to complete decision process tasks.”
This type of Information System is often aimed at executives within a business or other high ranking members of various careers throughout the workforce.

Below you will find an example of a DDS used in order to support air quality management




Examples of the decisions that can be made for Using this system include:
-comparing sales revenue between two terms of a financial year.
-projected figures of a new advertising campaign
-used to show the different outcomes that can occur depending on the decisions that are made.

There are 5 different categories of DDS and they are as follows:

1: Communication driven DDS.
Communication driven DDS is used to conduct meeting and used for groups of people. enabling them to collaborate on the topic in discussion. examples of this include chats and instant messages and are usually supplied by a web or client server.

2: Data Driven DDS.
This type of DDS is used by managers, Staff and also by suppliers and is used to look into databases and also data warehouses in order to find answers to specific questions. This is accomplished by using a mainframe or client server and allows users to add value to their existing database.

3: Document Driven DDS.
This is the most common form of DDS and is used by a wide client base. It is used to search web pages and find Documents.

4: Knowledge Driven DDS.
Knowledge Driven DDS is used by all members of an organization is useful for a variety of things. It is generally used to give advice on the topic chosen and also allows customers to interact with the organization.

5: Model Driven DDS.
This is a complex computer system which helps decision making as it analysis all sides of a query and shows users the possible outcomes of their decisions. It is generally used by both managers and staff in order to solve problems.

hope this helps you all understand DDS a little bit better.




Introduction to MIS and its uses in decision making.

16 Feb

Hi all,

Today i will be giving a Broad overview of Management information systems (MIS) and how it is used for decision making in the business world today.

There are four different types of IS that companies use in order to enhance decision making and they are as follows:

1. MIS (Management Information Systems)
2. DDS (Decision-Support Systems)
3. EES (Executive Support Systems)
4. GDSS (Group Decision-Support Systems)

MIS collects information that is processed into data making it useful to the user. Management information systems also allows the decision-makers understand the implications of their decisions in speedy manner ensuring the best decision in made in the fastest time.
It is also a general term used for the computers within an organization that provide the firm with information about the business operations of the firm.